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Jobs and Careers

Welcome to's jobs and careers section. Advice, comment and features about job-hunting, the employment market and career development.

How do you get that perfect job?
Let's get it straight - there isn't an answer that applies to everyone. It depends...

Are you on career suicide watch?
Top five tips on managing a successful career change.

Working Mums Rely On Grandparents For Childcare
Nearly half of working parents (44 per cent) in the UK are reliant upon their own parents to help with childcare.

Gloomy Prognosis For Employment
CIPD forecasts unemployment will peak at close to 3 million by 2012 as a result of the coalition government's deficit reduction measures.

Small Businesses Create Most Jobs
Recent research from the Globalisation and Economic Policy Centre (GEP) at the University of Nottingham found that small businesses employing less than 100 workers account for 65 per cent of new British jobs created in an average year.

Ambition in IT? New NI Career Information System
With ICT being one of the most successful business sectors in Northern Ireland, new sources of information will help people with computing ambitions find out more about career paths.

Jobs for the Boys: Men and their Work
What is it really like to be a television producer or a master brewer? Is life as a ship's pilot exciting and carefree or lonely and cold? Does a helicopter pilot have a better life than a glass blower? Can a flat packed furniture fetish earn you your keep?

Earning a Crust
What is it really like to be an architect or a chimney sweep? Is working as a life model sexy and glamorous or cold and boring? How does an embalmer cope with preserving her own relatives? And do chartered accountants secretly have it sussed?

UK Unemployment
Latest UK Labour Market Statistics including unemployment figures

10 worst areas in the UK for unemployment
Some of the worst unemployment rates are to be found in areas within prosperous cities and regions, particularly London.

Small firms lose staff to large companies
The belief that small companies poach trained staff from large businesses is a myth.

Cultural fit and web-based recruiting
A culture fit tool has the potential to make job seekers more savvy while also providing a smaller, "better fitting" applicant pool for organizations.

A Job Centre in Bolton demanded that "friendly" be removed from a job ad on the basis that it discriminates against the unfriendly - "enthusiastic" and "motivated" have also been victims of similar bans.

Looking good, sounding right: style counselling in the new economy
Society is becoming more and more style-obsessed and this is reflected by a growing trend among UK companies to opt for staff who reflect their company image.

Any jobs going for astronauts?
Superhero, trapeze artist, goddess, astronaut and slave are just some of jobs people have looked for online, according to an analysis of 6 million career searches made on Fish4jobs.

Costs of staff turnover
An annual survey conducted by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) finds that the cost and rate of staff turnover is at record levels.

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