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Australian Workplace Agreement

An AWA was an individual written agreement between an employer and employee about the employee's terms and conditions of employment, such as pay, hours of work, annual leave and sick leave. AWAs were made under the federal Workplace Relations Act 1996. An AWA had to be developed through a voluntary process. This meant that an employee could not be forced to sign an AWA against his or her will. It was against the law for employers or employees to use duress, or to give false information when making an AWA.

Once an AWA was approved it took the place of any federal or State award that would otherwise apply. An AWA could change working conditions; for example, it could change hours of work, rosters, leave entitlements or pay. (Source: Office of the Employment Advocate). AWA's were abolished under the Fair Work Act 2009.

See also:

Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS)
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU)
Australian Industrial Relations Commission (AIRC)
Collective Bargaining

Based on the glossary section of Human Resource Management, 4th edition.

HRM Textbooks

Human Resource Management

Human Resource Management, 4th edition
by Alan Price
 Covers all the key aspects of HRM. Available from: - UK pounds - Euros - Euros - Euros - US dollars - Can dollars

Fundamentals of Human Resource Management

Fundamentals of Human Resource Management
 Shortened version of Human Resource Management - concise analysis for non-specialists and one-semester courses.
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