HR Glossary | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K-L | M-N | O | P | R | S | T | U-W|
The setting in which people who can provide labour meet those who need labour. Labour markets can be: internal, within an organization, or external, outside the organization. Labour market is a somewhat old-fashioned term which implies physical labour as opposed to the time, knowledge and intellectual effort required in many modern jobs. ‘Job market’ or ‘employment market’ are more meaningful in today’s context. See ‘Employment market’.
See also:
Best Practice
Employee Analysis
Employee Demand
Change Strategy
Competitive Advantage
Division of Labour
Divisional Structure
Soft HRM
Soft Planning
Strategic HRM
Talent ManagementHRM Textbooks
Human Resource Management, 4th edition
by Alan Price
Covers all the key aspects of HRM. Available from:
Amazon.co.uk - UK pounds
Amazon.de - Euros
Amazon.fr - Euros
Amazon.it - Euros
Amazon.com - US dollars
Amazon.ca - Can dollars
Fundamentals of Human Resource Management
Shortened version of Human Resource Management - concise analysis for non-specialists and one-semester courses.
More information and prices from:
Amazon.co.uk - UK pounds
Amazon.de - Euros
Amazon.fr - Euros
Amazon.it - Euros
Amazon.com - US dollars
Amazon.ca - Can dollars
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