HR Glossary | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K-L | M-N | O | P | R | S | T | U-W|
Definitions vary considerably but most are agreed that it is sexual attention which is unwanted, repeated, and affects a woman's (or man's) work performance or expectations from her/his job. However, it is possible for one incident to be sufficiently severe to be regarded as harassment. It differs from sexual banter or flirting since it is one-way; it does not have the involvement and acceptance of both parties. In the USA, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has extended the definition of sexual harassment to include a range of actions which lead to a 'hostile work environment'. This definition includes unwelcome touching, joking, teasing, innuendos, slurs, and the display of sexually explicit materials.
See also:
ConformityBased on the glossary section of Human Resource Management, 4th edition.
HRM Textbooks
Human Resource Management, 4th edition
by Alan Price
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Fundamentals of Human Resource Management
Shortened version of Human Resource Management - concise analysis for non-specialists and one-semester courses.
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