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Human Resource Management in a Business Context

Human Resource Management in a Business Context, 3rd edition
by Alan Price
 Human Resource Management in a Business Context provides an international focus on the theory and practice of people management. A thorough and comprehensive overview of all the key aspects of HRM, including articles from HRM Guide and other sources, key concepts, review questions and case studies for discussion and analysis.
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 Strategies for redundancy

...the workforce is one group of stakeholders amongst many, and within the free-market model of capitalism they are probably the weakest. Presenting a caring image to staff and the consuming public may have advantages but greater attention is paid to more powerful voices when action is required. Directors and financiers ensure that their interests are satisfied first - well before those of the employees. This reflects a people-as-objects rather than a people-as-people approach (hard v soft). (...)

 Planning for redundancies

(...) Despite the emphasis on job security as a prerequisite for an effective human resource strategy, reality in free-market economies demands planning for redundancies. (...) One currently fashionable euphemism for the process is 'deselection'. This implies that some form of systematic or thought-out procedure has been used to decide who will lose their jobs. (...)

 Redundancy and retention

Managers in charge of redundancy programmes typically focus on target numbers, with little or no thought about the quality of the staff leaving the business. (...) An obsession with numbers leads to a haemorrhaging of valuable skills: years of work on building a strong competence base can be undone in a matter of weeks.

  International organizations and redundancies

Redundancy is governed by social legislation in most developed countries. The UK has some of the least restrictive laws. (...) Businesses with operations in different countries must take their respective severance rules into account. (...) Some organizations may concentrate their redundancies in the country where severance costs are lowest.

 Managers and professionals

Redundancies in the 1980s and 1990s have affected managers and professionals more than ever before. Restructuring and delayering have meant redundancies for many experienced people in their forties and fifties.(...)

Recently, critics have argued that the cutting process has gone too far. Delayering or downsizing have led to 'dumbsizing' - a condition described by Hamer as 'corporate anorexia'. Organizations have slimmed down to the point where they are denuded of the skills needed to grasp new opportunities and remaining staff are demoralized and overworked.

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