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5 Must-Know Benefits of Continuing Education

Benefits of continuing education

April 16 2020 - So you've worked hard, made the connections, dedicated years of your life to climbing the corporate ladder. Now what?

You've hit the ceiling, and advancement is no longer possible. Before you settle into career purgatory, consider the many benefits of continuing education.

1) Career Enhancement

First, the obvious. If you are stagnant in your job, you may want to further your skills. Not only are you gaining practical knowledge for work productivity, but management will also see your hustle and likely reward you for it.

We are approaching the golden age of online learning. With access to certifications increasing every day, you now learn virtually anything online.

Brush up on your Excel skills, learn bookkeeping, certify in a niche technology. Advance your corporate or human resources position with one of these online courses.

2) Knowledge of Industry Trends

The more ideas you can expose yourself to, the more you can see and understand trends. Where has an industry been, where is it now, and where is it going? The best way to learn about trends is from industry experts, and these experts can usually be found teaching.

So why not learn from industry leaders and get the inside scoop on where your field is headed?

3) Increased Income

Whether it's a corporate career that needs a boost, or whether you are self-employed and seeking to expand, continuing education is one of the best ways to increase your income. According to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, your level of education correlates directly with income.

So if you're feeling ambitious, you can go on and get an advanced college degree. Many reputable schools are offering Bachelors's, Masters's, and even PhDs online. Whatever road you decide to take, you can rest assured that your earnings outlook will likely increase when you continue to hone your mind.

4) Health Benefits

If you're looking for an investment that will pay off for your bank account as well as your health, consider the benefits of continued education.

Studies consistently show the correlation between education and health. It's not just the income that can buy you a healthy, lower-stress lifestyle either. There are real social and psychological benefits to continued learning as well.

Education leads to success, with longevity being the end result. Research shows that education correlates with more years (and more healthy years) on this planet.

5) Creativity

Exercising your mind opens you up to new ideas. The more you grease these wheels, the more neural networks start to fire, and the better your brain works.

Creativity comes when we can see things from different perspectives. When you're exposing yourself to new ideas through education, your outlook broadens. This can help you generate ideas more easily and come up with new ways of doing things, both in and out of the workplace.

The Benefits of Continuing Education Amount to Peace of Mind

Finally, when you're financially stable, feeling healthy and accomplished, what comes at the end is peace of mind. Knowing that you've taken steps to move your life forward can bring a deep sense of confidence and peace. Moreover, knowing you could do it again if you wanted brings a lifelong feeling of empowerment.

Gain knowledge. Improve your life. Repeat as needed.

Read more about the benefits of continuing education and other valuable articles on our websites.



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