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How to Design a Company Website Employees Love

January 11 2020 - Creating a private network where your employees can create content, communicate, collaborate and effectively manage their daily tasks is no small feat.

Not only should your internal company website - or intranet - act as a touchpoint for all your employees, but it also needs to be able to bring your team together and increase their engagement and commitment to your brand.

However, it can be difficult to even know where to start when designing a company website that your employees will not only use, but actually get enjoyment from.

Thankfully, there are a number of ideas that you can implement for your internal company website that will ensure its success with your employees - let's take a look at the top six.

Use Attractive Branding

If you want your employees to use and love the website you have created for them, then you need to make sure you give it its own personality.

Start by giving it a name. Humour works well, as does something that is unique and resonates with your employees. Not only will a name humanise your website, but it will also make your employees more likely to talk about it, and in turn, actively use it.

Make Sure it is Easy to Navigate

As with any website, you need to make sure the users (your employees) can find the information that they are looking for with ease. This includes documents they need access to, files they need to share, plus guidelines or employee handbooks that everyone within your company should be able to read at any time.

Spruce Up the Homepage

This is the first page that your employees will see when they access your internal company website. Therefore it is vitally important that it is visually appealing and looks like a site that they would actually want to explore.

It is also a good idea to post important and up-to-date content on your homepage such as company updates, must-see industry articles, as well as a section for useful links.

Ensure Your Company Website is Safe and Secure

If you want your employees to post content relating to their jobs - or you may even choose to also have a personal section of the site - it is crucial that your employees can trust that their data is secure.

It is a good idea to enlist the services of a digital performance specialist such as Digivante, who can carry out security testing to ensure your site is as secure as possible. This type of company can also carry out various other digital testing procedures to optimise performance, making it more appealing and useable for your employees.

Offer the Best Software Tools

From communication to sales, content creation to marketing, if you design your intranet so that your employees have access to the latest and most effective software tools, not only will they be more likely to use the site, but they will also be able to work more efficiently.

Finally . . . Ask Your Employees for Feedback

Even with the best will in the world, you are unlikely to create a perfect internal company website. There will always be room for improvement, which of course, is no bad thing.

Therefore, it can be a great idea to ask your employees for their feedback. Not only will this improve your site, but it will make them feel like you care about their opinions (hopefully you do!) and what they need from their company website.



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