Employee Relations
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Human Resource Management in a Business Context

Human Resource Management in a Business Context, 3rd edition
by Alan Price
 Human Resource Management in a Business Context provides an international focus on the theory and practice of people management. A thorough and comprehensive overview of all the key aspects of HRM, including articles from HRM Guide and other sources, key concepts, review questions and case studies for discussion and analysis.
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Employee Relations and the Organization

Organizations and employee relations

(...) In recent years large organizations in free-market countries have attempted to move away from traditional industrial relations mechanisms. The focus has switched to individual rather than collective bargaining. this may take place through:
  • the introduction of personal contracts, allowing employees to offer pay increases to staff willing to accept such contracts but not to workers wishing to remain as union members;
  • organizational change methods such as team briefings, where managers cascade information throughout the organization by means of a series of meetings (usually on a monthly basis) and also collect ideas and criticisms at the same meetings to be funneled upwards;
  • quality circles, which have served to circumvent the traditional union role by emphasising direct dialogue between staff and line management on the subject of improving procedures.

Pages 380 - 385 of Human Resource Management in a Business Context provide a further discussion, focusing on business partnerships.

Check out some of the following links for information on the 'employee involvement' approach to gaining commitment

 Employee Involvement

 Employee Involvement, Employee-Centred Management and Empowerment

 Ideas UK  operating name of UKASS, the UK Association of Suggestion Schemes. The Professional Support Network for Employee Involvement.

 Gain-sharing at the Masternak and Associates site

 Danger:Toxic Company From Fast Company

  Employee strategies

Trade unions in different countries have varying interpretations of their roles and different goals. In the UK, for example, they have been aimed at:
  • Preventing legal interference in the collective bargaining process - a strategy which failed during during the Thatcher period
  • Improving monetary rewards for members
  • Improving other terms and conditions
  • * Involvement in determining national economic and industrial objectives

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